Do you suffer from abnormal menstrual bleeding? Some women experience heavy periods, spotting throughout an entire month, or irregular intervals between cycles. This inconvenient and, sometimes, the unbearable condition is often treated with hormonal medication. But if this doesn’t work, endometrial ablation may be an excellent option. This is especially true for patients who don’t plan to have any more children in the future.
As the name suggests, endometrial ablation involves removing the endometrium or uterine lining. It is performed to reduce or stop heavy, prolonged periods through high levels of heat. Heavy vaginal bleeding refers to bleeding that requires a person to change their tampons or sanitary pads each hour. Endometrial ablation is not a surgical procedure. This means that you will not have any incisions. Instead, your doctor will put small tools through your vaginal opening to reach your uterus. Here are some of the ways your healthcare provider will perform endometrial ablation:
Balloon Therapy.
High-Energy Radio Waves.
Some cases of endometrial ablation involve the use of a hysteroscope. It is a thin, lighted tube that allows your doctor to look inside your uterus. They can use a camera on this tool to record what they see.
There are several reasons why a woman may need to get an endometrial ablation. Your doctor will likely recommend this if you have heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding. There are cases when the bleeding is so heavy that it causes anemia. Heavy menses can also affect your day-to-day activities. You may also have this outpatient procedure if you experience bleeding between periods. Some women consider endometrial ablation because of several reasons, including:
Abnormal uterine bleeding that doesn’t respond to other treatments.
You already completed childbearing. Since your endometrium will be removed, you may not be able to get pregnant after the procedure.
You want to control your vaginal bleeding with a less invasive approach. While hysterectomy is also effective, it has more complications than endometrial ablation.
You are considering a hysterectomy but have other medical problems that prevent it.
Your doctor will determine if you qualify for endometrial ablation through a thorough diagnostic work-up. The treatment procedure is best for pre-or perimenopausal patients who experience heavy vaginal bleeding. You may be an ideal candidate if you have these bothersome abnormal periods and are totally okay with potentially becoming sterile.
You shouldn’t undergo this procedure if you’re past menopause. Endometrial ablation is also not advisable for those who have certain health conditions. These include recent pregnancy, recent or existing uterine infection, uterine cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, abnormally shaped uterus, or other uterine or endometrial disorders.
Since endometrial ablation doesn’t involve going under the knife, you can heal faster and return to your routine. With this procedure, you can start to benefit from reduced heavy periods and more regular cycles.
Find out more about endometrial ablation, contact Partners in Obstetrics & Women’s Health in New Lenox, IL at (815) 240-0554 to schedule your consultation.
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